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Old 18-02-2024, 11:11 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 997
It’s an emotion, and emotions fluctuate from time to time. Just because you’re not feeling it doesn’t mean that you have lost it. It just means that your emotions have changed again, but they can change back.

The most important thing is to keep on doing the things which lead you to feel that way about yourself, and those all start with different thoughts about yourself.

What I have found is that self-love is loving a thought about yourself. Then another. Then another. Then another and so on. It all builds up into an energy form which you feel inside of you, and which is reflected by things which happen in your outer world. What you felt was the build up of better thoughts you had been having about yourself (either conscious or unconscious). You can do this again and again. As many times as you want or need.
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