Thread: Blocked ears
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Old 17-02-2024, 11:38 PM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by Redchic12

As for Dr William McCarrey. He had read about some of Cayces healings, especially with the castor oil He was so astonished by the positive results that occurred so he decided to incorporated this oil into his practice.

I think what happens is a health person such as McCarrey will cotton on to something that is good stuff, but then develop a fixation and make claims that are unreliable and outlandish. McCarry most probably made such exaggerated, embellished claims because that's the general tendency. There's no shortage of medics on You Tube and Twitter doing it today, and of course they have a thousand positive testimonials in the comments section. but when you take it to observational studies or human controlled trials, measurable outcomes do not support what they say. People don't like it because no one wants to be proven wrong, but as a science guy, I try to understand my own biases and just go by the evidence we have so far. When we get more evidence, I understand it better and/or change my mind. In my history with sports science, there's are things I believed were true based on what we knew at the time, but new research showed other things, so I say I was wrong (along with everyone else). The data was clear, but we all interpreted it wrong.

The tendency is, a mild or acute malady which could go away on its own is treated with something 'natural', and then the claim is made that the substance made it go away, but we can't explain the mechanistic process of how it works, and when tested in controlled blinded trials, the results aren't statistically relevant.

When I was a kid it was common for mums to make their kids swallow a teaspoon of caster oil every day, horrible stuff, and it was a like a remedy for everything, so no surprise that Cayce repeatedly turned to the conventional wisdom of his era. I'm just as foolish as everyone else. Since I was brought upon the stuff I believe it works without any knowledge of how it works and with zero controlled evidence. That's my bias. Now I'm so curious that I'll do a bit if digging around and see what tests have been done and if there's any info on how it works.

I started with a video called 'the science behind castor oil' which has exactly zero science in it - I guess due to Cayce's uber-naturalness, there's a lot of quackery to waddle through.
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