Thread: Blocked ears
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Old 17-02-2024, 03:25 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Whatever the substance of earwax... what it's about is to get it to become softer as these things get quite solid and hard after a while. Oil is excellent to soften things, including ear wax. Plus it makes things slippery, and can get the wax to get loose from skin in the inner ear.
Sometimes it's attached to it and then a doctor or ENT cannot remove it without creating some damage (a tiny bit of blood) as the skin will tear, and it will then also hurts when it is removed.
A good doctor/nurse/ENT will tell you to go home, make a new appointment after you've oiled the ear for some 3 days. (that's what I did too when I still worked as a doctor's assistant when cleaning ears was part of my job as well)

Good thing with using oil once a week (so when ear is clean) is that you won't easily get buildup again.
The oil keeps any earwax soft and then whatever tiny bits will form will just come out, for instance under the shower.

Oil is the best, as it's not aggressive and with that won't cause other problems inside the ear. Mostly to the skin of the ear canal.
All GPs, doctors assistants (that clean the ear), ENT I've come across tell you to use oil. Just what you got in your kitchen, no need to buy anything fancy.

Naturopaths are great and in a way they know much more than a regular doctor.
Regular doctors are needed for acute things like broken legs, heart attack and so on.
For all other things alternative therapists are better. Regular doctors have no remedies for chronic things, just give you chemical 'medication' that doesn't remedy the cause, just dampens symptoms.

The other day I've seen the inside of my mother's heart when he was scanning it. No cardiologist can do that unless they cut you open.
I've seen the inside of my brain, organs etc. when my naturopath scans the status of it all.

He can even do an oligoscan which will tell him any and all substances IN the cells. So it's 100% more reliable and helpful than having blood test done. Something being in your blood doesn't mean it's in the cells.
Plus, oligoscan doesn't require penetrating skin or veins so no risk of anything.

I know alternative healing isn't big in the US as it's so big with Big Pharma, hihi.
I know from my girlie when she lived over there that US doctors give you antibiotics for everything. You burp? Antibiotics! Got a pimple? Antibiotics! Flatulence? Antibiotics!
Thank goodness I could enlighten my daughter as she was being poisoned by her doctor, hihi. Sure-fire way to ruin your microbiome!

I know a helluva lot about health, medicine, alternative, Western (I'm a doctor's assistant), and I also know when to listen & trust my doctor and when I'm better of seeing my naturopath/other alternative. I use both, so I get the best of both because I'm quite educated in both. (not expert though).
I've got people coming to me with health questions as they know I'm well informed. Sometimes I send them to see a doctor ASAP, sometimes not.
For instance, my mother has issues with her blood, sometimes way too thick, sometimes way too thin. I'm of more help to her than the so called Western educated professionals. (they don't even know what to do!).

Ear candles I'm not sure about either. Some say they're great, others say they're not.
I've never experienced them, and not keen on the idea either.
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