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Old 11-02-2024, 12:16 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 997
Originally Posted by candyfloss28
Can affirmations be for anything?

Yes they can, and they will work for as long as you don’t have any doubt over them. This is why big goals tend to take longer: because we have doubts around them which we generally don’t around smaller goals. This doesn’t mean that you can’t manifest something really big, it’s just that it usually takes a bit longer because you have to work through some doubts first.

I have found that I need to repeat affirmations about something big, frequently to myself for a few days, before the mind can register them instead of doubting them. This is a bit like breaking in a new pair of trainers which may feel uncomfortable first.

I find that kind power works incrementally, and builds up a kind of psychic momentum the more you use it (or the more you repeat an affirmation). At first, the increments are quite small (for instance, after a few days, you may see a sign about the affirmation you are using which ‘confirms’ it) but they indicate that the mind has begun to register your new thought and is working to make it your reality. Keep at it.

You will get results, for as long as you are consistently using your new affirmation or mind-power technique.
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