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Old 09-02-2024, 04:33 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 778
Some years pass. The old woman who cared for and offered love to the wanderer is now in the loving care of the wanderer.

From her bed she suggests--Before I go, let us speak a little of then and now, for time for me is slipping away and I shall value refreshing the memories as we speak so that I may easily wrap myself within them as I leave.

The wanderer takes the hand of the old woman and bends to kiss her forehead.

Gladly. When we met I was lost but didn't know it--for my loss was simply that I had never found nor been offered love as you have given me. Your gift of love I now see---for I have pondered much upon this--confirmed that I was real, worthy.

The old woman smiles--I am simple, I had no idea of such reasoning, but you, well, you have a mind which thinks on such things. --she squeezes the hand holding her own--but how did you manage then before we met?

The wanderer draws in breath and gazes outward across the room but also inward at feelings, sensations, actions now resting gently in memory, understood and available to be spoken of.

I compensated. I tried to fill a void which I felt but could not fathom, I sought recognition, I behaved in a manner which would gaurantee being noticed. At that time I did not know why, I just felt the need to prove that I was something.

The old woman now reaches out both hands to the hand and forearm of the wanderer sitting beside her bed, and looks with tenderness.--there was no fault in how you were, you did what seemed to you at that time to be all that you could do in circumstances which you could not at that time fully understand.

The wanderer replies-- it is your love which has helped me to understand.

Ah, says the old woman, here I will make an addition to your kind response.

The wanderer chuckles,--oh go on then, you who calls herself simple.

But it is simple, it is not actually my love, it is simply love.

The wanderer laughs--OK. See--you're still magic. I love you.
Now, can I fetch anything for you?

Nope, thanks--maybe I'll have a little snooze.

The wanderer gets up, leaves the room, and leaves the door slightly open.

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