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Old 09-02-2024, 04:25 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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I have been using the Qabbalistic Tarot for many decades, and in the tradition of Qabbalah, which is Jewish mysticism, Tarot is used to access a person’s consciousness and grow them spiritually. It is a very positive experience. But in my opinion most people are being manipulated in one way or another, regardless whether they are using new age practices or not, and most people are not even aware that they are being manipulated.

Keep in mind that imagery, colors, and repetitive messages, do manipulate us; television and movies influence us, the colors of the walls in the place where we live influence us; the music and language which we constantly hear from others influence us. The color and type of clothes you wear on a regular basis influences us. There are many, many, sublime things that are influencing and manipulating us every single day. In this world a lot of people are trying to influence your heart and your mind.

I do not know of anyone who has had a “bad” experience with Tarot. I guess it is how a person uses the cards. When I use the Tarot I want it to influence me, give me answers, and set me on a desirable course. But like I said, there are a lot of other things in this world that influence and manipulate peoples minds. Various religions do that as well, so I would not single out one thing, like new age practices, as manipulating people. This is just my opinion.

The basic guidance is, if it does not feel right then don’t do it.
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