Thread: Romantic Dream
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Old 03-02-2024, 02:47 PM
Drewan Drewan is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 13
Here is one possible approach to the problem/conflict in you dream. This could be as follows:

reaching for a Doctor Who scarf
A doctor in a dream is quite often a symbol for a healer; the scarf is a symbol of a new status.

Doctor Who is a master of Time and travels the Universe: so a very advanced being.

dressed as the 10th Doctor
10 is the number of sleep and unconsciousness: meaning I don’t know that I don’t know. (See WHO in bold below)

he gave me his information and flirted with me
an attempt at establishing a relationship of love

The central conflict in the dream is: WHO is this spiritual being that I am to consider a love relationship with so that my life can move onwards and upwards?

Only you can answer this question based on your spiritual framework - and this is the central question in the dream.
For example in my framework the healer in a dream ( and I do have such dreams often) is the Jesus Christ in me.

It is important to identify and name these spiritual figures in dreams. They are awaiting naming, recognition and acknowledgement for being part of your life and spiritual development in the world. And only then can you and they move forward in your spiritual journey.
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