Thread: Bodies
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Old 31-01-2024, 02:58 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
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It seems a bit tricky. You have different names according to culture, religion, -ism, folklore, and they don't necessesarily describe the exact same activity.

From Wikipedia on Astral Projection:
"Astral projection is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a subtle body, known as the astral body or body of light, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and travel throughout the astral plane." (my bolding)
Same article refers to similar activities in a long list of cultures. I'm not going to quote the entire thing, but I am perplexed as to why eastern shamanism isn't mentioned since traveling to the spirit world is a key element of it. You can find that in wiki too.

There is another easily found if less academic source: the works of Spirit Guide Sparrow. Among his texts is
Less suitable for brief quotes, but in the start of the text he basically say your astral activities are limited to human-like environments while you are still a living human.

I have found a few snippets other places but I am not going to binge quote.

Right now, I think I see the following loose definition of our bodies:
- physical body: the one we physically relate to while alive
- aural body: the energy body we have within our physical bodies, containing chakras etc
- ethereal body: the non-physical body we can use to travel by OBE, to physical places in past and present and to near-physical earth-based places like the fairy world. It may or may not have an energy thread going back to our physical body.
- astral body: the non-physical body we can use to travel to other dimensions and levels where our senses and vibrations won't work.

Aaand then there is the Spirit and the Soul which are definitely part of your individual entity, but I am not sure they apply to this topic.
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