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Old 31-01-2024, 01:40 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,650
The biological reason for animals mating and pairing up is for making babies. Involved in that of course is protecting these babies and providing food and shelter. Educating them as well though now days humans invented paid teachers and schools to do this. Parents now days can dump their children in schools for up to 10 hours a day so really get rid of a lot of time required to raise a child. Rich people even get nannies to raise them after school hours.

Monogamy, the practice or state of being married or partnered to one person at a time and the practice or state of having a mating relationship with only one partner best serves to "motivate" parents to provide for their offspring as a strong biological bond is created with the baby.

Here's some animals besides humans who practice (or try too and often fail) to practice monogamy. Turtle doves and swans, Snowy owls, dik-diks (like a deer), Male prairie voles, Black vultures, Shingleback skinks, Owl monkeys, California mice, Bald eagles (Bald eagles mate for life, but with two caveats. If one or both of them cannot produce offspring, they will break up and look for other mates; in addition, if one dies, the survivor will not hesitate to accept a new mate.) Albatrosses.

Human marriage is a way we culturally legalize an attempt at Monogamy.
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