Thread: A question
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Old 30-01-2024, 12:20 PM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
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On the opening post question, my view is:

As an aspect of the whole, inseparable from source (God), we shift from singularity* (*eternal light of Self, complete, at peace, lacking nothing) into duality to grow in love, wisdom and power by overcoming adversity. Were we not to choose to do so, our growth in singularity* (*heaven) would be slow, since there are no challenges to overcome there.

The descent into duality finds us potentially complete, as we were and are but practically, we come here with memory erased and so are unaware of our divinity. An ego (identity) becomes temporarily manifest, to help us navigate earth life through the mind-body apparatus we have ensouled. The ego is only interested in the welfare of the body whereas our true being within speaks as conscience, emoting love. In most cases, ego in head overpowers our true Self in the heart.

Given this preamble, we can now look at karma and free will, reconciling it with the truth of non-duality:

Whatever is set into motion in thought, word and deed is a creation of the ego. If it is in alignment with the truth impulse, with love, no karma is generated. However, if it enacted from a self-serving fulcrum, karma is created. What we do to others, we are doing to ourself because all is one. We err because of ignorance. So that we learn all consequences of our actions, we spherically experience what we set into motion, so that by so learning, ignorance is removed. Thus, if we are unjust to someone, next time around we will become the victim and feel what we made the other person feel. Now, although all is one and there are no others in the true sense, this rotation of roles of the individuated essence of the whole, which we can call soul, it goes on until all karma is dissolved and the soul, the separate entity, the ego disappears and all that remains, is as always was, the Self.

About free will or doership, since the entity (us) is unaware, unconscious or let us say, in a state of hypnosis, there is no free will really. Free will exists at best, at soul level, there too in consultation with and steered by universal consciousness (God).

When it is said we are not the doer, it means that we are not this body-mind but the essence of God, as Self, within it and are actually inert, made alive by the breath of God. As such, it is God who experiences what we think, feel, speak and do. It is a game of descent and ascent, forgetting and re-cognising, concealing and revealing. In truth, there is no one here.
The Self has no attribute
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