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Old 28-05-2011, 02:16 AM
Posts: n/a
Ive tried, But he wont let me speak or even look at him. I once tricked him into a confrontation. I caught him as a sneaky small black caped something spying on me, then once he realised I was there her presented as an much larger powerfull being, all I saw was his chest and I could sense the power and see necklaces and symbols. I found my deepest strength and roared at it too leave. he did. I woke up raced into my mum and wimpered about my bad "dream" she rolled over and it wasnt her, I screamed and really woke up. That was one of the very first experiences, and from there its continued. Thats one thing that happens alot sometimes 10 times over I think Im really awake or Im trying to get back to my body but I cant get there. If I let it get me out, it controls me, I cant move where I want to , I cant speak, Cant look at it. Ive tried reasoning with it through my thoughts,to let me move or speak, and Ive been given lee way at times. Funny thing was when it first started, this lady I knew(whos a psychic), randomly sent a message home through my sis telling me to stop messing with what Im messing with cause its dangerous. But I didnt choose it.
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