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Old 30-01-2024, 09:20 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,862
Maybe alternative medicines would work for you; things like Chinese herbal medicine, the use of acupuncture, or even massage therapy. Ayurvedic medicine, which is widely used in India may be helpful. Homeopathy is another option.

You are in the mainstream healthcare system, but in my opinion they do not always have the best treatments. Investigate and read about alternative treatments. I might also suggest not to get attached to your mental health diagnosis.

If your current treatment is working for you okay, but if you feel it is not working for you then get a second or third professional, medical and or mental health, evaluation. There are people who are given the wrong diagnosis and thus the wrong treatment. If it is working for you stick with it but if it is not working look at your options.

Do some research on your own or with the help of family or friends. Be proactive with your physical and mental health. Don’t think you are your diagnosis; you are a human being with health issues, you are not your diagnosis. Hang-in there, you do have options.