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Old 27-01-2024, 04:02 PM
Bluto Bluto is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 188
I've always believed, since about the age of 10, that the strength, quality, and authenticity of the bond of love between two people is the only thing that matters concerning ongoing successful and joyous partnership. The legal ceremony and the resultant piece of paper is nothing more than a bizarre love triangle between one person, another person, and the state, and matters not one bit. In fact, I've observed more than a few relationships totally fail soon after a wedding. I feel that marriage is something that tries to force a set of prescribed ideals as opposed to allowing authentic and organic love to naturally evolve and develop.

Marriage is a flawed concept when the following assumptions underpin it:
  • It's something you need to "work hard at"
  • Being married will or should bring happiness
  • Children are better off if their parents are married
  • It's something you must do, or are expected to do
  • You must step into, and act the role of husband or wife
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