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Old 27-01-2024, 09:51 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ Ewwerrin ~ accepting, not negating...
... n my view.
thanks I understand what you mean. I think these bodily changes follows mental preparedness. And is preceded by consistent emotional indicators that indicate the minds alignment with its greater non-physical consciousness of pure positive energy, unconditional joy.
The kundalini is also energy motional, emotional energy. But there are many things that open up, when raising frequency. Like new senses. New Awarenesses.
It depends on how good you feel and how consistently you feel good.
Naturally raising step by step, with patience, or rather than patience, enjoyment or eagerness, blockages naturally appear for dissolvement, allowing more raising of vibration allowing more joy or good feeling emotion, more consistently.

Some people may be having so much resistance in mind, that they feel bad all the time. And just feeling less bad more often is the path of least resistance. It is all dependant on choice. The individual decides for how much joy they are ready. It may seem like habbit that cannot be overcome. but once a habbit is realised, it becomes choice. Habbitually practiced negative thought patterns, easily replaced with positive thoughts.

It is really something we do. It can be seen as an action of some sort. We choose to think things. That does make it easier to continue those train of thoughts. And more difficult to shift awareness to positive perspective. But with focus excersized, one is capable of breaking any negative spell and pierce into positive thought realisation. As meditation is also to train focus, which is primary for freedom.

Focus is so powerful that when focused awareness consistently focused on unconditional joy, it becomes more difficult to contemplate or even realise or reach negative thought.

At some point it becomes so easy that you live mostly in union/alignment with God Consciousness. And dying is like walking through one door, from one room into the next room. All the relief from resistant energetic thought patterns already realised in life. While someone who's mostly depressed in life, will not only experience rapturous bliss upon death, but during life, can nearly not realise or commune with non-physical source consciousness.
People who died cannot become a lower vibration than pure joy. And so a depressed person can never come into contact with non-physically focused consciousness. While a consistently joyful physically timespace reality focused/extended consciousness will seemlessly interface with non-physical consciousness.

All that is wanted, desires, are realised by physically extended consciousness. But often the one who realises the desire through contrasting experiences, they do not stay in alignment with the realised desires. So it remains non-physical, held into vibrational escrow by the greater non-physical Source Consciousness, which purely focuses all your desires into ever expansion. Ready for you to realise them or allow them.

In the end it doesnt matter if you allow them or not. So might aswell enjoy life. With an innocent smile. Happy green. It will give meaning to itself. Because the focus is there to allow the realisation of it. And the focus is unconditional. And energy motional or emotional. From the ground up. Like colors. green and yellow. Shining brilliance into the eyes. A colorful eye light masage. Having fun with life in any and all ways. If there is a smile and darkness. Then the realisation of the smile changes all surroundings. With mere focus, the light is expanded easily. Bright white brilliant light. And after a while it becomes automatic/habbit. Like a habbitual happiness generator always running in the background. Why? Because choice. Decision. Focus. A mere act of placing awareness on unconditional joy, instead of the conditional lack of it.
And oneness is easily and gradually realised.
Because when one feels joy, it is the primary indicator of the alignment of the physically time space reality extended and focused consciousness and its greater non-physical pure positive source consciousness. Which holds all of your greater knowing. Source perspective. Vibrational perspective of Source. Ready for you to allow your own knowing of it, through the unconditional joyful alignment of minds focus with it, on it. It can expand one through the roof. By virtue of one smile at a time, God Source Consciousness is realised. And the body aligns in accord.
Sharing perspective.
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