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Old 28-05-2011, 12:39 AM
Posts: n/a
cant wait to get some answers :)

Hello everyone, I cant wait to finally get some insight into whats been going on for many years. I dont exactly know whats been going on with me. Since I was a kid I had the flying dreams and the dreams where I new i was dreaming. Around 14 I started to suffer sleep paralysis ( so cool to finally call It something), naturally I fought it. I allso had experiences where I could feel another pressence trying to get me out and then many unpleasent experiences with what ever the hell it is (and still is) Ive seen it Ive talked to it Ive fought it I dont know what it is. On the other hand once I knew what the parallyisis was I chose to use it when I couldnt sence that pressence around. So Ive had many pleasant experiences but its been limited by the fear of what ever this thing is that comes and bothers me. Last night I just snapped out of my body, no chance to fight it and he wasnt there and I felt safe so I went for a wonder and actually got to enjoy it. My biggest question is, what the hell is bugging me and why?? he doesnrt feel nice,When hes here the I feel him befor I go to sleep, then the paralysis begins and I fight it cause I know Hes there, I know he wants me for something then Ill sit5 up in bed and the pressence is so strong I have to get up and do something till it goes away. I know this is really long but Ive had this problem for years. What is this thing? Who are the people I see and talk to when Im out, Is it bad to talk to them?
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