Thread: Favorite Comics
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Old 19-01-2024, 07:51 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
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Hi Ash, haha, yes, us oldies never got much choice.
If we were lucky there would be a small cartoon strip on the newspaper the fish and chips were wrapped in LOL......after we had licked all the grease off we would endeavour to read the cartoon ...happy days !!!!!
You sound very much like my eldest , into all the superhero comics where I had to politely listen to all to comings and goings of the usual crowd , and if green lantern was mentioned again I'd have left home .
But yes, I think in general he's very "old school" with the DC and Marvel heros.
His younger brother is more into the Japanese horror comics
( Or should I say graphic novels ).
It fascinates me how you read them back to front !!!!
But when I go see him he "makes" me look at them in great detail. All the snakes coming out of eyeballs, body parts all over the place, you get the drift LOL. All good fun !!!!
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