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Old 04-01-2024, 09:25 PM
Bluto Bluto is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 188
Three leaf clover/shamrock visual during meditation?

I wasn't sure whether to post this here, in meditation, or in mediumship. But it's a combination of all three I suppose.

The other night I went into a deep meditation, during which I often attempt to engage telepathic communication with human spirits.

During this meditation I asked if any spirits have any messages for me. A second later the purple light that I always see swirling became momentarily more vivid, and formed what I'm sure was a clover/shamrock in the centre of my vision. Then it dissipated.

If this was indeed an intelligent communication from a non-physical conscious entity, would anybody like to interpret the meaning?

I've tried Google, and apparently clovers and such symbolise the trinity, but I have no clue what that is, and even after Googling I don't really understand it, nor its significance.

For context, I have been reflecting on Jesus Christ as a phenomenon and symbol of Christian values lately, which I've never done. I've also been dreaming vividly of a girl I once knew (but haven't thought of, or met since 1995) called Natalie, which means birth of the lord. I also feel I've been developing something akin to Christ consciousness lately.
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