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Old 02-01-2024, 11:48 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by JustBe
So I would say it’s a construct of mind, as a means of mapping and patterning.
you could use it either as a descriptive mechanism like that, or to determine a basis for activity by 'discerning' how to get to some desirable future state from the existing descriptions.
It’s not right and true for all reality, but only to me through my processing abilities..
that is as as opposed to what the rest of us do, use our 'logic' as kind of a hammer to try to back up the idea that our own desires are the one true proper desires... twinkle...
It doesn’t mean it’s not right for you, but it’s not right for me..that’s logical to me haha..
yeah it very much makes sense.

I used to try to go to other people's creations, so I wouldn't be so alone. This having understood noone is coming to mine and noone else seems to even know about the hall between creations much less want to go there lol.

It is really awful, force fitting yourself into a place you don't belong. I suppose I learned a lot but did I really have to?
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