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Old 02-01-2024, 08:55 PM
JustBe JustBe is offline
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I would say logic is used as a comparison (of things), to make sense of the universe. So I would say it’s a construct of mind, as a means of mapping and patterning.

When you understand yourself through the nature of ‘just is’ you’re more aligned and seeing through awareness of ‘what is’ not what is logical and what you think is. It’s a stepping stone through the journey of self discovery and mapping things out, but in the ongoing infinite nature of existence, most things fall away when you stop thinking the whys and how’s and when, your more clear, open and aware of ‘all things’ as they are, logic integrates into a more whole body functioning.. so for me if somethings logical in my mind, I might defend it fiercely as being right and true, where as my logic if it’s integrated with intuition and open mind, I’m encompassing and aware of things as a creator, through a wider stream of interconnected reality. It’s not right and true for all reality, but only to me through my processing abilities..

The more open and clear I am as an integrated human, the more my creations are embodying a whole awareness of reality as one. Also too, why each piece of the whole, has its place at any given moment, including logic. Your logic might say ‘yes’ let’s do it. That fits perfectly to my existence.. my intuition, one with your logic might say ‘no’ it doesn’t feel right or sit right in my we wouldn’t align to the creation your stepping into. It doesn’t mean it’s not right for you, but it’s not right for me..that’s logical to me haha..

It makes for a nice discussion and exploration.
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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