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Old 30-12-2023, 01:20 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 776
Hello FallingLeaves.
As is probably obvious, I'm out on a limb here and possibly sawing the limb away from the trunk whilst sitting on it. Can't tell--but such is exploration.hey ho.

Wondering if the process of existence with which all participates has infinite possibilities regarding occurrences/manifestations/phenomena etc. so that all occurrences/manifestations/phenomena etc. are logically possible as components of that process?

Now the branch is coming adrift and some sort of answer forming whilst floundering in mid air:--

Yes--but with a crucial caveat.

Logic itself in some manner accompanies the sequencing of "previous" causes and effects which have gone "before" and which have the result of creating the conditions which allow further logical occurrence to happen in the "present".

"Previous", 'before" and "present ' are terms which suggest the involvement of 'time'.

But perhaps "not as we know it Jim"--to quote was it Dr. McCoy in early StarTrek?

Not "time" as a measurement but "time"as a sequencing order disregarding the properties of the interval between ,for example, "then" and 'now".

So the caveat is --Not Necessarily immediately.

This notion throws up no doubt many possible consequences whose understanding is perhaps the specialised study of others more knowledgeable.

One such possible consequence which does occur to me however has to do with the stability of the necessary sequencing mentioned above.

For if---by some means--that stability is made unstable by even the smallest measure then present logic would become at odds with its own historically sequenced origin.

The logical result could perhaps be the equivalent of a system reset?

There could be a big bang perhaps?

Could be just me and the branch hitting the deck however.

Cheers X
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