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Old 29-12-2023, 02:44 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,459
i think what it may mean, well, you may have heard about energies in and around the body? Various traditions deal with them in various ways...

each person having kind of a signature as to how it is layede out for them, which is a part of their beingness, their essence?

So I think when you spend a lot of time with someone their energies comingle with your energies, kinda like two liquids mixing together?

So in that theory you would naturally have some remnants of her energies (and possibly very strong remnants if your relationship was close) so that is how her essence could be within you... even though maybe she herself has moved on to a different place??

In some ways it might form part of your own memories, in others it might help guide you at times. Just as if she were there...

Well just a thought....
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