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Old 29-12-2023, 10:22 AM
Karma_Eleon Karma_Eleon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2023
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The word "manifesting" is often misunderstood. People think, "oh, if I believe in it hard enough and long enough, I will get the money I need to survive", and then, if it does not work, shame themselves, feel like amfailure, feel judged or mocked by others.

I have to say, I never studied or read anything on the subject, but I have a feeling about it, a certain confidence, and I am more enclined to go with the word "attraction" - it feels more positive to me.

There is the fact that the things in us we give more energy to tend to grow - the more you worry, fear, hate, begrudge, resent, the stronger it gets, the harder it gets, and the more of those things seem to happen. You feel cursed.

So, a simple choice would be to energetically nourish the things you love by focussing more on them, and attract more of those.

Someone once told me a few rules:

- ask the universe for what you need - for example if it is something like money or other material wealth, first ask yourself if it isn't rather the feeling of being prosperous or safe or have security that you ACTUALLY need!

- then start feeling grateful - for what you already have and for what you are about to receive, and stay grateful and happy about all the things you love

- and quite important also - stay receptive - open yourself up to receive and don't limit the universe by telling it how you want it! Listen for signs, follow hunches, etc.

I have an example from when I was still a freelance teacher and did not have a lot money to my name.

One year, one of the classes I was supposed to teach (and that would have made my winter, financially) got delayed until next February, leaving me fundless for the upcoming holidays, for the insurance fees and for new tires for the car that were due...

At first I did feel a bit dismayed, but then decided that after giving all year, it was now my turn to receive, I told the universe I needed the means to pay for those things, and opened up, not really knowing how it would work... I am not a lottery player, (I find that that is usually playing on false hopes and taking advantage of people's desperation), so I really did not know how. My last resort would have been to ask my dad, but - some pride there, I admit - I did not want to do that unless REALLY unavoidable.

One day, phone rings, one of the language schools I was teaching for (independent from the class that got delayed) calls to summon me into the office. A bit scared ( I suffer a bit from imposter syndrome so hoped they wouldn't sack me! Why I mention this is to show you can still get there even if fears crop up).

Instead, they gave me a completely unexpected and unusual bonus, just enough to pull me through til the next classes started. Actually just asked me to pay it forward if one day, if I can, and I see someone in need.

I treat that as a contract with the universe and have paid it forward many times and keep that amount in a savings account, for whenever it is needed again!
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