Thread: Visions
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Old 22-12-2023, 05:09 PM
Hemera Hemera is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 506
I absolutely believe you. I have also had visions, albeit not for a number of years.

I know it's probably hard to believe, but you are blessed!

The eye sounds like the Eye of Horus. It represents the eye of God, or the opening of your third eye (same difference). I wonder if the bricks represent blocks or challenges?

The owls are about a higher perspective. You are tapping into your Divine or most high self. They are basically reflecting your state of consciousness right now, which is very tuned into spirit. Green eyes = the colour of your heart chakra. Your heart is connected to its source.

The ram thing sounds maybe like your shadow self, but I'm not sure. Were you scared to hear that your grandma was sick? Rams can represent strength and courage, so maybe those qualities were needed in your life at that time. The red eyes suggest danger, but also passion/blood.
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