Thread: Who we are....
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Old 22-12-2023, 02:37 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by Honza
I agree with Altair. People would be fighting over other things if you took God out of the equation. Many wars have been fought with God having nothing to do with it.

yeah at some point I decided that some people just LOVE conflict. And me who doesn't, would still be very mean to take that away from them just to make myself more comfortable with the whole 'peace' thing.

besides it crossed my mind that true peace where we are actually happy with our lot doesn't HAVE To look the way people say it does lol... maybe there is a kinda peace for such people, in having their conflicts? That they wouldn't find if we succeeded in forcing the societally viewed version of peace on them?

But of course I don't know. I'd just be guessing either way... and even if I got a lot of other people to agree with my guesses I understand that some people simply aren't going to like what I come up with.

I think it simply isn't going to work, this notion that one can legislate a 'proper' way of life, from above, that all people should follow, for all time.
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