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Old 17-12-2023, 07:17 PM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
There is a danger of becoming a hermit if one does not gain some control, trust me being an empath I went straight to being a hermit, I could t handle the outside world any longer, energy vampires draining me because they seen someone who was caring and would listen to their problems, I’d be left with a melt down and body shut down, no one asked how I was, it was all about them, and being the kind person I am I put their needs before my own, I then locked myself away and stopped watching tv, that was before my spiritual journey of finding my true self, now I decide where, how or when I invest my energy, being in the drivers seat of my vessel, I suffered for many years with depression, it was not healthy, I just had to do something, and so I asked the question “who am I” it was not easy, it had its ups and downs, and sometimes I even questioned my own sanity, now I am studying druidry finding my true purpose in this life and sowing my seeds, it is only stepping stones for me, but I feel more confident bringing my spiritual self to every situation in life with compassion, and now my intuition guides me and prepares me for situations before they occur. I am very grateful of this.
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