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Old 16-12-2023, 02:43 PM
lashon20 lashon20 is offline
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I lost my guides and angels!

Back in 2015 I got this woman’s book who channels Thoth the Egyptian god and said he was a light being and you can call on him for help. I did and he came and I didn’t realize he was following me and other dark entities also. So in 2020 I was lost and needed help and didn’t know what path to get on. Well he came to me saying that he was this voodoo deity named papa legba and my oath was blocked and I needed help to open my oath up. At the time I also had demons around me that I didn’t know that my exes girlfriend sent to me. So he had me set up an altar and burn a petition asking for help. At that time I didn’t know burning a petition was making a contract. I soon realized that I wa tricked by this entity and he was not papa legba that this one a totally different entity. So I tried to get everyone banished and threw everything out because I was scared and that made everything worse and made them mad. I didn’t realize this voodoo entity had a family of over 1000 spirits. My life have been hell ever since and have gotten worst. They have been chasing me ever since. They sabotaged my life path. I was supposed to get new beginnings and get on a new life path and he aaid that wasn’t happening. My angel was protecting me and my guides and ancestors were protecting me through use of numbers and cards and red birds. But this being used magic on me and in and around my home. Somehow he used something I threw out of tt he house to create a contract or did something saying I know longer wanted my guides or angels around. This being has fully possessed my body and no one believes me. Then I went to some shaman healers to get help and he tricked them. He had them think I had a demon attached to me. Then they said mother Mary and Jesus came through and wanted to know if you wanted them to help guide you and I said yeah that would be nice. Now I realized we are all tricked and now they have fully taken over as my guides. But he told me before this happens that I no longer have a spiritual team to rely on. He disconnected my crown chakra and my root chakra. He used some magic or something and tied it to a deck of uno cards i thee out and it deplete my door Chakra. My guides would come to me as red birds to tell me I needed to ground and for how long. After that day I thee out the bag and he did whatever I no longer see them or see repeating numbers they communicated to me with. Now im afraid they r completely gone. This lady who contacted my guides after this happened said my guides said I better not die or I’m going to be in eternal damnation. So I know they replaced my guides with themselves. He sis I wanfonna die I this house. I was gonna leave the plane 8 months ago because my soul ws getting tired and they were trying to get me on my path. I was told back in 2015 that i was getting tired and debating on whether I wanted to move forward. So I had to quit my job and become a hermit. I dont no one believes this but I can’t leave my house or it deplete my root chakra and I die and leave the planet. I can walk outside but I cannot leave from the house. These beings knew that but I didn’t. They lure me to go walking and I wa wondering why a car would drive by with 888,111, and 6666 on it. My guides weee warning me to get back to the house. I wa supposed to work on my root chakra, solar plexus, and manifest abundance through my sacral chakra. This being said I’ll never leave this house. He has used all types of magic and have created contracts without my knowledge on me agreeing with different stuff. I would wake out if my bed mumbling stuff. He controls my mind and thoughts. For whatever reason spending money and bring stuff in and out of the house creates an imbalance with my root chakra. So this being somehow create charges on my bank card in purpose so that if I spent anymore money it would create an imbalance . Im supposed to have balance in all areas of my life. I would doze off and be saying words or having words come in my head. I heard him tell me driver imbalanced. If I can’t reach balance in abt not get on a new path and will be stuck in this house until I die. He did something with my masculine and feminine energiws through a contract. I can’t manifest a new life without balancing my masculine and d feminine
Energies. The bad thing is that no one believes me when I tell about all of this and tells me to see a shrink. Now im stuck in this house with no guides and no protection from the univers or my angels or the archangels. He used some magic or created a contract so that when I touched my cell phone it took me out of spiritual alignment and I no longer see repeating numbers like 555,111,222,333,444. He told me my kids would get out. He said I’m gonna be in a bunch in hell for eternity and never see my kids again. When I try to tell everyone what’s been happ to me they think I’m crazy. He’s a trickster so he comes through pretending to be my ghe and if anyone looks at me they won’t detect him even though he possess my whole body. He wants me dead and in hell. He said I sold my soul to him. He has destroyed my whole life and I wish I would had never let other beings trick me and influence me like that. My last spirit guide reading I had before I lost them my angel was telling me to quit listening to everyone and get my power back. They wanted me to be a hermit to wirknon my inner self and im power myself. But this being has prevented that with whatever magic he used and contracts he created without me knowing. I just I cous roll back the time and had listened to my gut when I didn’t feel right puttung up that altar. My angel also saud somewhere I had stopped trusting myself and was looking Gir answers outside of myself. I feel like this being is fragmenting my soul because I went to touch my cellphone and heard the word extraction. It felt like my soul had lifted out of me. Im always feeling like energy is pulling through my body. He told me he was gonna make me a ghost and that I have no white light he disconnected my ground and my root. I’ve been living in fear Gir 8 months and have mental anxiety and bienal imbalance. He was controlling my dreams and mind. Now im big dreaming at all and feel out if my body when I wake up. Im lt sure what these beings are doing to me and my energetic bodies. Im not sure where I’m going after I die. I think they are doing damage to my astral bodies. I keep telling everyone and no one believes me.
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