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Old 16-12-2023, 06:36 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
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According to certain scriptures, the Absolute One Self, It choicelessly wished to behold its splendour and so playfully and spontaneously created the manifest universe out of Itself without lessening Itself, with the one becoming two, polarising consciousness, orbiting each other in a game of concealing and revealing, separation and union, descent and ascent. Hence this reflected universe, we may liken to a dream, wherein our heart’s desire creates or let us say, co-creates seeming reality within the illusion.

Let us consider our dreams. We are both the dreamer and the dreamed but while the dream is going on, we as an object in the dream do not know that we are the subject as well. So how may the object (us) awake within the dream? Surely, it is the subject, the dreamer, who needs to awake, is it not? Yet, there is a ‘trick’ by which the object, the earth entity may awake within the dream. Simply cease reacting. Then the purpose of dreaming ends and the object merges with the subject. The dream becomes lucid or we may say, we awake within the dream.

Reworded, the entity (us) that seeks, is not. When ego (identity) drops off, the light of Self in singularity is revealed. There’s nothing gained for we always were, are and will be the Self, except now we are here now awake.
The Self has no attribute
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