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Old 06-12-2023, 11:16 PM
scorpius_rex scorpius_rex is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 55
Talking I got a new guide !!!

The title is mis-leading. I know we don't "get" new guides often; most of the time new guides are just old guides that have been working in the background of our lives, and we have not been able to sense their presence until we have grown enough to be able to resonate with their teachings.

Last month I was letting my thoughts wander while looking at a tree outside my house. This tree is home to many stray cats that live in our neighborhood, and provides shade for them in the hot summer months. While staring at this expansive gorgeous tree I got the image in my mind that also non-physical cat spirits might also call that tree home, and they live alongside the loving cats that also call my neighborhood home.

Suddenly I got this beautiful feeling in my chest. My imagination lit up and in my mind's eye I saw a tiger being jump down from the tree and make it's way toward me. It was a snow tiger, with white fur and blue eyes. The energy radiating from this being was one of love & abundance; it's the feeling of have a chocolate cake & a great day on the beach, but also having the concrete feeling that tomorrow will also be fantastic, and the day after that, and the day after that... it's the feeling of endless good-times. The doubt that so many of us experience when something is going good, and we say "Is this for real?" and we start to not resonate with our good fortune because we can't believe this is happening. This being directly challenged those feelings, and said "Yes those good things are happening, and yes it's also endless! You never have to worry about the good times stopping; they will always be rolling."

The snow tiger being symbolized never ending love & abundance. He said he's been dying to work with me for so long and he's glad I finally am aware of him! I don't know if my snow tiger has a name, but I don't think it matters. I never learn my guides names, I only learn to recognize their energy

The main teaching this snow tiger being has for me is don't doubt the good times. They are here, they are real, and more are coming. To question or doubt your happiness or good fortune directly cuts off its flow, and doesnt allow the blessings to do their job! Also doubting it does not mean it will go away. (A common law of attraction argument is that if you don't believe in something it will not happen.) Well this guide told me that's nonsense because just because I doubt my good fortune (relationships, work, etc.) for a few moments doesnt mean they will go away because I'm scared of not being worthy of these blessings. I have done so many years of work to get to a place where I have earned these blessings, so they will not disappear overnight or just because I'm worried they will not come to fruition or I'm being a scaredy cat (tiger haha) or nervous nelly that things dont work out. It's like an experienced farmer planting a seed at the perfect time, watering it, singing to it, and fertilizing it - then still doubting if it will grow !!! Like duh its gonna grow youre a profrssional farmer and youve done this a million times. Also this seed will be the biggest tree you've ever planted and will give you so many fruits and provide you shade for years and years. That's what this guide showed me. :)

Anybody meet a "new" guide ever ? If so what did you experience.
Also if somebody could help me with the feeling of accepting gifts/happy things I would appreciate the guidance. Lately I've been having a hard time believing that the good times in front of me are real.
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