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Old 02-12-2023, 08:34 AM
LightAngel LightAngel is offline
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 95
Originally Posted by Traveler
No one gets a pass on being toxic. Even family.

I agree.

As a child, it is very difficult to accept this because you depend on your family.

That's why children from dysfunctional families always suffer.

We need to build a world that protects children from harm - but, we also need to create a better world that can help damaged adults.

I think I want to add one more thought - if you are a creature that always wants to see the good in other creatures then it can also be very painful to accept that some creature doesn't have empathy and compassion. Some people are born that way (I see them as handicapped) and therefore they can't help themselves, but you still have to protect yourself and others from their harm.
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