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Old 01-12-2023, 09:57 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 997
Give thanks for the career you have had so far. The jobs you have had, the experience you have gained, the companies you have worked for, the money you have earned, the people you have met, the managers you have worked for, and so on. This creates a good feeling around the career you have had so far and the journey you have been on.

A lot of people have a bad idea of the world of work, thinking that it’s just a means to an end and something which has to be endured. That creates a very blocking energy around them and around the whole idea of “ work. “ But gratitude around the ideas of careers and work creates a flow of positivity in this area which then allows for bigger, better and more enjoyable to come into our lives.

Gratitude for your career so far enables career growth. It also allows for flow where there hasn’t been any before, and guidance when you have previously been stuck.
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