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Old 20-11-2023, 08:22 AM
aury_13 aury_13 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 11
My aunt has been busy... Just one example...

So the other night, I was relaxing in the living room w/ my two cats, just watching TV when I heard one of them screaming at the other one. They both tend to get really ****y at each other when they play, so I thought that it was related to my older male trying to annoy my younger female, but I knew that this time was different because she's never yowled that loudly before. I managed to calm both of them down, & noticed after a few minutes that Beebee (my female cat) kept staring at the stairs. I then realized that she must've been distracted by the stairs when Booboo (my male) approached her to try & play w/ her, & scared the **** out of her.

I knew that whatever she was distracted by must've had something to do w/ my aunt, so I didn't bother to check on what was going on upstairs. The next night, I was on my way to my room to get ready for bed, when I glanced into my aunt's room & noticed that there was a glow emanating from behind the closed doors of her armoire where the TV is kept. Mind you, the doors don't close right, so you have to kind of jury-rig them shut so they stay closed, but you can still see if the TV is on because they're not shut all the way.
It all made sense why my cat was distracted by what was going on upstairs...

Ever since my aunt passed away a few months ago, she's been leaving hints w/ my mom & me that she's been wanting us to turn the TV on to her favorite show (my mom keeps finding photos from the show's cast & crew in her Facebook feed everytime she's on her phone). Well, this time she obviously got sick of waiting for us to turn it on, so she messed w/ the TV to do it herself. Lol
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