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Old 18-11-2023, 02:55 PM
J.oak357silversword J.oak357silversword is offline
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Posts: 24
a secret mission and a dangerous situation part 2

they all exchanged satisfied smirks and i realized they were partners in some illicit conspiracy. but when they went over to another secret doorway the smirks changed to one of shocked consternation,almost panic. "the notation and the missing key.where are they?" that was when Dr Isiah turned to me and whispered "you don't know it yet but a dangerous conspiracy has just been thwarted. only i know where what they are looking for really is.get ready""for what? "for the biggest all out battle you ever saw"
and before i could say a word he broke and said this: LOOKING FOR SOMETHING?WHAT A PITY SQUARE KEYS DO NOT FIT IN TRIANGLE LOCKS. i did not understand its meaning but they all did,especially Black robe.their expressions instantly changed to combat readiness. Black robe initiated hostilities. first the disc in his hand began to glow. then he threw his disc in the air. it made the air thicker where it went. then it came back to him ,like a boomerang. then Dr Isiah produced his own disc. it glowed even more powerfully. Black robe responded by re-charging his own disc. Dr Isiah and Black robe both threw their discs into the air at almost the same time. the first disc(Dr Isiah) charged the air where it went leaving a trail of ionized air and thicker oxygen. by contrast the second disc seemed to be out of control. it flew in in an erratic pattern,very different from when it had been in the air the first time. suddenly it began to emit sparks. then balls of energy began to issue forth in all directions. one of them smashed two cups on the serving maid's tray. she stood like a video on pause. but one of them also smashed several bottles on the trolley,releasing a cloud of toxic vapors into the air, the greater part of it over the area where the hostile group was,forcing them to take cover. the dark warrior had a vacuum-like device which he used to suck in many of the deadly fumes. but it still remained active and a threat. then Black robe changed his tactics . he drew out a weapon,streamlined and about half the size of a Thompson sub machine gun . but with a much wider barrel. when he pressed the trigger it shot heavy beams of light roughly the shape of commas in groups of five. instantly i felt the room become heavier.then i realized it was a gravity weapon of some sort. Dr Isiah was prepared for this. he immediately went into action. concentric rings of iron-silver light went through the entire area, decreasing the gravity pull until it was almost lighter than air , effectively cancelling out the threat posed by Black robe's commas. then the conspirators decided to co-ordinate their efforts. they all began using their weapons at once. i will not go into further details of the weapons or tactics employed. suffice it to say, it finally became so intense that with the light and sound weapons used and their vibrations and frequencies that it was endangering not only everyone in the room,but the gateway between worlds and the dimensional portals as well. Dr Isiah signaled to me. all of a sudden found myself on two levels of reality at once. the astral me was gazing at infinity,while the corporeal me was looking at this metaphysical battle. suddenly i heard myself shouting STOP YOU FOOLS.DO YOU REALIZE WHAT IT IS YOU ARE DOING. PUTTING IN PERIL THIS ENTIRE WORLD WITH YOUR INSANE GREED HOSTILITY AND LUST FOR POWER. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE DIMENSIONAL GRID OF THE NATURAL BALANCE IN NATURE. WHAT SORT OF WORLD WILL BE YOUR LEGACY. and that is one of the most lucid,vivid dreams i have ever had. if anyone can help shed light on it, by all means you atre welcome to try

Last edited by J.oak357silversword : 18-11-2023 at 05:24 PM.
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