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Old 18-11-2023, 12:13 AM
J.oak357silversword J.oak357silversword is offline
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Posts: 24
a secret mission and a dangerous situation Part 1 & 2

this dream begins in a wooded area. i was with a group of people i do not know in waking life but have encountered in dream who was undoubtedly the leader whom i will call Dr Isiah. we were in very heavily wooded area . i can recall hickory and maple trees. we were there for a very definite purpose. there were maybe about 36 of us assembled with communication devices which used visual signals such as lights,or geometric shapes in codes which we all understood.

Strict silence was observed, we moved noiselessly through the woods,until we came to a large structure which we entered by way of a secret first this passage way was very narrow and steep,so much so that we could only move one at a time.

But a little way beyond the passageway turned right .then it became possible to stand up and head to the right. after awhile we came to a room,rectangular in shape and just large enough to accommodate 4 people without becoming cramped. the doorway on the right slid open to a hallway.then we moved with maximum stealth. walking very slowly in utter silence, we approached a door with extreme caution,then Dr Isiah gave the signal to halt. we spread out on either side.

Then Dr Isiah went forward to the door,entered a code on a switchboard (cleverly concealed behind a vase of flowers)the code consisting of lining up 4 rows of symbols-4 keys 4 fruits 4 chemical notations,4 gemstones-in order to enter.
Then He gave the signal for silence.
we entered employing stealth tactics. then each of us took up positions.
mine was behind a metal column with Dr Isiah which gave us an excellent view of the scene in front of us.we heard voices and activity,so we knew there were people here.

Then as we moved forward slowly,silently what we saw in front of us was an area like a tubes and vials marked with labels and notations and codes of geometric shapes and alchemical symbols some of which i did not recognize. there were several levels of rooms connected to each other by secret tunnels and passageways. hidden behind brick walls and solid masonry.

The one by which we had entered was one of them.they could be opened only by using the right code combination,just as ours was..once opened it led invariably to secret places as ours did. and the scene
we now saw before us was ,to put it mildly,disturbing. there were chairs and tables to which patients-if i may use the word-were strapped while gruesome experiments were performed on them.
these chairs were not like ordinary chairs. they could be elevated or rotated at the press of a button.

The patients(?) were often strapped down with metal instead of leather straps.. some of these experiments involved drilling holes in skulls and injecting them with fluids consisting of chemicals and drugs i never heard of.sometimes injecting metals into the body.
One interesting facet of this was they used visual stimuli and brain frequency treatments to stimulate the part of the brain corresponding to pleasurable sensations.

Then after the patient was in a state of euphoria they would proceed with whatever they wanted to do.they also had a helmet which they could lower until it covered the entire face.
Then they would inundate them with both visual and sound stimuli to alter a patient's brainwave pattern to whatever they wanted.
it was also capable of recording pictures from a -patients memory and displaying on a screen. but this could be done only with a special implant..

If they wanted to terminate a patient they could do it with a ray which could also be used with the helmet. it would make any muscle,any nerve,any organ instantly non-functional. we remained hidden and continued watching. then a door opened at the far end of the room.3 people entered. one was wearing high-tech body armor,shiny black in color.
He wore around his waist what seemed to be a utility belt the second one was a woman in a copper robe with a phosphorescent light green rock tied around her neck.

The third one was the most dangerous of all in one hand he carried a disc-like object which looked like it might be a composite of brass and his other hand a rod which could have been an amalgam of tin,chrome and silver.
He was of medium height,and he wore a black velvet robe. we saw quite a bit from our vantage point.
Another door opened and 2 other people entered.

One was a maid in Victorian servant clothes,wearing an ankle length skirt and a mob cap. The other one was a tall,blonde man in body armor. he seemed to recognize black robe-this is how i will refer to him from now on-
and at first the conversation was friendly.Then suddenly the man's expression changed.
he was looking at the rows of bottles and vials(there were a lot of them on a portable wooden trolley) when i
strained to see what he was looking,i saw some bottles and a jar on the floor.

There were powders and one cream-like substance scattered on the floor. he pointed to them. "this is interesting.look there" they looked like the remnants of some scientific experiment.
black robe responded first with an expression of surprise,then chagrin.

I saw he knew exactly what it meant. i did not expect what happened next. Black robe, with one sweeping gesture of his rod hand(so rapid i could just barely see it) immobilized the maid and sent the blonde man in armor flying up(yes,up.
It was some sort of kinetic energy) a stairway into a solid metal wall,promptly knocking him unconscious. {continued]
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