Thread: Glorifying God
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Old 08-11-2023, 08:55 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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Thank you Red and Green; Christmas colors. I take no credit for most of what I share here in this forum, as instead of my sharing coming from me it often comes through me, when I move out of the way, from somewhere else. I really don’t know anything worth knowing as I view myself as an empty shell, and when I am actually very quiet and still inside wisdom presents itself from a greater repository.

There is this saying that “still waters run deep.” It is a saying that small river boat operators used to say. They would throw a pebble in the water as they went up or down river, if the pebble made lots of ripples then the water was considered shallow. But if there were no ripples and the water remained still then it was considered deep.

I relate this to the human mind and all of its ripples, because beyond the mind and emotions there is an absolute stillness without ripples. In this world human beings tend to make lots of ripples, but that which I refer to as “God” is extremely patient, awaiting us to enter those still waters and return to the unmatched presence of God. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, like that presence.
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