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Old 21-10-2023, 04:45 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,348
making peace

Originally Posted by Honza
The Eastern teachings ... Does anyone notice that it is only in the last 50 years or so, since the advent of world media, that all this worldwide information is available to us?
Before world media came along I had no idea about Eastern spirituality. I was definitely a 'Westerner'.....
So much new stuff to consider in these days. I am making peace!
Indeed what you are doing is great . While eastern teachings is great, Hindu's themselves have lacked an understanding of it leaving its practice far more superficial , superstitious and 'commercial' (give and take driven by lure and fear) . On the other hand other religion/westerner may have simple language which at times not intelligible to so called intellectuals of current era . But on the understanding and its practice front they come very good . So ultimately it is combination of thoughts , speeches writings and actions which takes one to greater heights.

And indeed with world media , we can really see through the best aspects everywhere and learn a lot . I have learnt a lot with knowledge sharing opportunities since internet revolution in 90's .
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