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Old 19-10-2023, 09:56 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,857
The suffering may be right before death but death itself, in my opinion, is a very light, easy, and breezy transition. Fear only makes it worst. I have seen lots of people die, as a combat medic during the Vietnam War, later an ambulance paramedic, and also while working in hospitals.

Some people die with a smile on their face and light surrounding them while others die in great pain and suffering. Some fight to keep their human body and others readily surrender to the transition. Everybody dies its’ just a matter of when and how. I have met people who wanted to die young or in middle age to avoid experiencing the deterioration of the human body.

There are people who have a secret death wish who will do high risk things to welcome death even though they may say they enjoy human life. There are people who take their own life because they feel death is better than human life. The human journey, how we entered it, how we exit it, and what we experience in-between is unique to our own individual journey.

The way you die is unique to you, everybody dies but not the same way, yet death does the same thing to all of us. In my opinion the relationship which we have established with ourselves while we are alive here on Earth determines the quality of our transition at the time of death.

I live in the U.S. State of New Mexico, we have a “Right To Die” law which says a person can terminate their life, under certain circumstances, with the help of a physician or other health professional. People who are severely debilitated or terminally ill have used this law to exit this world and relieve their physical suffering. This law does not apply to people who are only emotionally distraught with life and they have no physical impediments.
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