Thread: Footprints...
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Old 19-10-2023, 07:04 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
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It never crossed my mind that the footprints may have come from spirit.
But the more I think the more it makes sense.
We lost our little grandaugher and recently lost my father and our little girl sends all kinds of signs , mainly blue butterflies .
My father was a non -believer in anything spiritual/ afterlife etc.
And yet, since he passed ( in may) I have been seeing SOOOO many 111....11:11....111.111 on a daily basis.
This can be up to a dozen times a day .
I've been seeing numbers for 7 / 8 years , but this escalation of the '11's' since losing my father is beyond anything I've ever seen on a daily basis.
My gut feeling is that my father and his great granddaughter are in "cahoots" together !!!!
And so I'm wondering if the footprints were from the little girl with dad's guidance to support us as my husband and I are going through some very challenging times.
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