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Old 17-10-2023, 03:01 PM
Bluto Bluto is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 188
One way I overcame my fear of it was to reframe it.

Instead of saying "when we die" or "when I die", I tend to say "when this body dies" or "when this particular physical incarnation ends", and so on.

Then I went searching for evidence that consciousness survives bodily death, and was shocked with how much is out there. A good place to start would be Jeffry Mishlove's award winning essay on evidence of survival of consciousness after bodily death, where he gives 100 compelling examples from the last 150 years.

Check out the Scole Experiments. They had the Society for Psychical Research (a group of sceptic scientists) follow them for two years testing them rigorously! And they concluded that the bizarre phenomena experienced was absolutely legitimate, and published The Scole Report in 1996, available on Amazon I believe.

If you're worried about those awful final breaths, or perhaps any pain in those final moments, I've heard NDE accounts where they popped out of their body before anything painful occurred, as if their guardian angels pulled them out. For example, one girl said her car rolled but she popped out of her body way before the car stopped rolling. I watched one account where the man said we may witness somebody dying in horrific circumstances, and it may look terrifying from our perspective, but they may not necessarily be in their body at that moment, and may already have stepped to the other side. This makes some sense to me, and I half absorb it into my belief system, to lessen my fear of death (whatever death is).
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