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Old 14-10-2023, 08:26 PM
Lord_Viskey Lord_Viskey is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: near middle USA
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IMO ...

The Infinite & The Absolute are completed thoughts of reference. Together they are the collective of Reality - but only in general terms... for as human beings go, we do love to generate symbolism.

They are imagery wrought by conceptualization - a process that we are all allowed to do as free will souls... and to do so is as diverse as the mind that explores its meaning(s). "It" is the collective of "Infinite/Absolute" .. though we may refer to the infinity of its nature and the absoluteness of our personal recognition of same.

The Infinite is no less than "subjectively experiencing" (pure feeling); than The Absolute is a method of "objectifying our symbology" (of whatever).

The Infinite is all that there is (you are feeling it, but you never know that you are). The Absolute is all that you can "put a finger on" (it is your substantial conclusion).

The Infinite is a compilation of threads, a tangled mass, of improbable, untraceable connections to the formulation of any ultimate thought - any thought that leads to an Absolute opinion, assumption, or delineation of reality - as your mind views it to be.

The Infinite is a source of myriad "points", connected and branching to an adjacent point (as so many fronds of algae; blades of grass; or fabric sewn into our awareness) to something as of yet undetermined, only "nearly" alive; only nearly encompassing and representative of what we chose to believe. The Absolute only "becomes" at the point we choose to snip and clip that thread.

For sentience, each Transaction With Reality (TWR) is the result of our brain-mind reaching forth to scoop out and grasp up something that defines what we may choose to call "sensible". We determine that sensibility when we clip the strand that has sprung up from the untraceable depths of an Infinite origination point.

The One can never exist without the Other.
What is Love ... ?
It is "The Wisdom for the Desire To Return To Purity."
quoted by : "Sophia Of God"
written in the : "Chamber of Eternity"
witnessed by : "Alpha & Omega"
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