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Old 13-10-2023, 05:58 PM
J.oak357silversword J.oak357silversword is offline
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revelation in a city building part 4

{continued} for an answer one of the scientists pointed at a certain spot in the window and said "look there" now in this dream state vision i was able to see exactly where he indicated.i saw a woman with long thick dark hair wandering the city streets with a dazed expression. by this time it was night. she waked over to an overpass over a busy highway and looked at the traffic below. for a minute i was afraid she would jump but no, she turned and wandered the street with an intense expression on her face. the scientist who had pointed her out now explained 1st SCIENTIST:this is Serious ,we have to get to her before they do 2nd SCIENTIST[the one who had pointed her out] she was in one of their facilities for treatment.she checked in because of violent headaches,seeing visions and hearing voices. she saw happened to patients that were "cured" who were little better than happy walking zombies. she found they were going to use her for experimental purposes. she managed to escape but not before they had tampered with her brain with so-called medications which were in reality mind altering drugs. that facility is supposedly a treatment center but is really run like a prison. patients are drugged into either a state of vegetation or euphoria or something worse. in any case they cease to be "productive members of society" as they put it. they run all sorts of tests,which are unnecessary. what it is really about is control. ways to control human behavior which ,believe me ,they will try on the general population if they find a way to. they do not hesitate to forcibly inject patients with drugs to alter their mental state if they become "UN-cooperative" which with them could mean anything from wanting to know what they are being for and why to showing some signs of independent thought. they say after one patient was "helped" in this way she became euphoric and jumped out of 16th story window under the illusion she could fly ME: what? were there no attendants to bar the window? SCIENTIST: oh yes, but one thing about this medication. it brings out faculties which until then had been dormant. she danced and moved across the room with incredible speed. then went up the stairway before anyone could interfere and ran up the stairs,singing as she moved with speed of an Olympic racer ,sometimes taking them 3 at a time. she stopped at a locked window on the 16th floor which she pried open with her bare hands. officially it was set down to someones carelessness in not locking the window which was an outright lie. the window had been not only double locked but triple locked. no blame was placed on the doctor who prescribed the medication. instead they were fascinated by the fact that this medication give someone super speed and super strength. they began to run experiments on patients that were looked on as relatively harmless.. this woman who has escaped was going to be one of them. now i think you have a clear picture of the situation. and so i did. not a pleasant picture but a clear one. i looked out the window . i could see her crossing the street in a diagonal pattern. and i saw something else. a car which i knew belonged to "them" (it was never clearly defined who "they" and "we " were but you can draw your own conclusions) was moving along the a street very slowly about 8 blocks from where she was. and i could see they were armed. very heavily armed,in fact. with a desert.eagle pistol 429, a high powered,long range rifle, an sub machine gun and another weapon that seemed to be laser based. fine company for supposed healers. {continued}
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