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Old 13-10-2023, 01:17 PM
J.oak357silversword J.oak357silversword is offline
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Posts: 24
a revelation in a city building part 2

{continued} other charts kept tabs on the armed forces in the world . how many planes in a nation's air force were up in the air at the moment . how many ships and submarines were at sea, their speed and the caliber and range of their guns. how many army units were active,the range and caliber of their artillery, the speed and range of their tanks etc. which came across as very unusual. why would they need to know this? and i noticed charts and graphs with multicolored waves. these were recording frequency and radio waves active in the city at the time,both radar and sonar. recording all frequencies in use and their wavelengths. some i already knew of such as shortwave and military communication. but some others i had never heard of or even knew existed. which set me to thinking. maybe some of this has to do with extraterrestrial technology. then i happened to look at a screen with waves constantly moving,some straight,some moving in a zigzag pattern. there was no uniformity among them. a scientist standing nearby explained "those are the wavelength patterns of all sound and transmission waves active in the area" "here is where you were several hours ago" he pressed a button and i saw myself standing at the intersection 3 hours ago, only now there were all sorts of wave patterns visible. SCIENTIST: those are ELF,UHF and electro-magnetic waves as they were 3 hours ago at the intersection ME:my god,what a lot of activity SCIENTIST:darn right there was. the whole area was being scanned ME:i felt as though i had to compel myself to walk forward,as though were walking through a thick sticky substance SCIENTIST:now you know why. they scan all activity within 10 blocks of this building we scan too ME: but not nearly so harmfully, i do not think SCIENTIST: heck no, someone could get cancer from the beams they use, if exposed to them long enough. all they care about is identifying everyone who goes in and out of this building ME: that is not reassuring SCIENTIST: [expletive] right it's not ME: but what are those searchlight beams i see SCIENTIST: they monitor all the air traffic in and out here ME: so you keep a record of all the frequencies active in this city SCIENTIST; all the frequencies, their parameters and what they are capable of affecting. would you like to see some of our science. come on some of their inventions were truly amazing [continued]
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