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Old 01-09-2023, 01:15 PM
The Sea The Sea is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 25
Gem has hot the nail on the head, that burdens cannot be cast aside, i know mine cant. My partner has had two deep brain tumours removed, and is seriously depressed.

Her functioning in all ways is compromised, i cant cast it aside.

What i can do, and the word has not been mentioned, is too accept it, the burden carries no, or little weight now. Ive stopped trying to make things better and go with the flow, its better for her too.

No more banging my head against a brick wall emotionally and physically. I do it all the time, no rumination about anything, or self reproach, self reproach is bad.

Even going to the shops and making bad jokes to the cashier, saying the wrong thing, putting housework off, being lazy, eating rubbish, forgetting to do something.etc, speaking your mind...etc

All forgiven, accepted in a second, its being your own best mate.
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