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Old 01-08-2023, 09:57 AM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
I have to agree with chrysalis, which is why it’s helpful to master light work and shadow work like the ying yang, In religion and spirituality, we often talk about light and love as being good and desirable. The dark is ignored or discussed as undesirable, often equated to evil. Is the distinction really so black and white?
view darkness from the perspective as providing balance to the light, as in yin to the yang. According to the yin yang notion of dualism in Chinese philosophy, light cannot exist without dark, and visa versa. They are also integrated within each other.

The dualism of the dark and light coexist at all times, and one is not possible without the other. There is nothing inherently evil or bad about the dark, for just as when the sun shines on one side of the mountain, the other side is enveloped in darkness. Nighttime turns into day, and visa versa. It’s natural and inevitable, as long as both sides are in balance. This is where light and shadow work comes into it, master both and you will find you can balance them.
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