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Old 01-08-2023, 08:33 AM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
Peace crystal that is very interesting I also sensed the Celtic roots, my gran was Celtic Irish, could the twin flame be the same as synchronicity?
I am not sure where I am meant to be but feel this yearn inside me very strong and all my life I have felt it, I was different and never fitted in, having Autism aswell didn’t help, but I will never forget the lucid dream I had when I was younger, I thought I had woken up in real life, it seemed so real, I was able to interact and walk around my home, I went downstairs into the living room and it was like a bird sanctuary, what looked like a thrasher bird gave me a scroll with a name on it I had never heard before, and when I looked outside an owl was sitting there and just winked at me.

I had the same experience happen but this time I was above the roof tops, following beautiful patterns, and that’s where I met him, he was a Druid with beautiful green eyes, he said he had been watching over me my entire life, and he is waiting for me to awaken, so I went on a spiritual awakening journey to find him. I have a shadow in my visions who has been teaching me, he shows me how to perform energy within. I am very patient, and here in the now just being.

I am not sure where it will take me, but I have been guided to study patterns and geomancy, the Celtic ogham tree alphabet, plants and medicine, one in particular was Silphium which is now extinct, and on the old Egyptian carvings and coin, but Iknow how to use it if that makes sense. I have completed light work and shadow work, and seen myself as a ying yang, and my sacred space has opened up and expanded. I get so much knowledge through dreams, and learning so much, like ancestral connections. I am still not sure exactly what it means but I am patient to see where it goes, and allowing it to unfold naturally.
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