Thread: C.G.Jung
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Old 30-07-2023, 12:18 PM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
Apologies I have been away on holiday and only recently returned. I had so many visions and lucid dreams throughout my awakening, one in particular I had where I was on top of a mountain drawing the cliff edge, I had no idea how I got up there, I was struggling with shadow work at the time, when a man and woman appeared, I am not religious but before me was the Virgin Mary, and later I discovered the man was Saint Anthony, She told me not to be afraid, I am protected. the man spoke " draw your visions, only then you will see" so that's where it all began.

At first it was patterns, and I drew them throughout my journey, then I realised I had created a beautiful mandala of my progress, Something Carl Jung mentioned in his work, so I could relate to this, we are a pattern and we can change it.
I remember flying over an island the detail was so unique, I sensed medicine from this place, I took to google searching all islands, then I found it to be snake Island. I had never heard of this island before, and it's forbidden now, only experts are allowed passage.

Another time I was led by an Indian with a glowing aura, to a place with giant heads I later discovered to be moai heads, I watched as the Indians played games and shared their laughter diving into the ocean searching for an egg, what was significant about this place was the Mana! I felt it from the Indians. Mana is understood as the sacred and spiritual power that comes from the divinity and is manifested through the human descendants of the gods. Mana was also passed on from generation to generation, creating new privileged lineages. Mana could also be found in certain elements of nature. A person's head is considered tapu to them and not open to uninvited touching by strangers, this made me think how sacred the brain is.

I also had a vision where I was taken to the pyramids which I knew of, I seen black giants and babies, then I seen something I have never seen before, I was in some kind of lighthouse, it was beautiful with a blazing fire on top and a giant mirror like disc reflecting light, I later discovered this to be the pharos of Alexandria.

One of my most intriguing of all was a plant I had never seen before, it had medicinal uses, and I knew how to use it somehow, and how it was used to prevent pregnancy in women, I searched everywhere and although some looked similar it wasn't exact, then I discovered it on some old Egyptian carvings, again on Egyptian coin, it was a plant called silphium, which is now extinct, the Egyptians used pine cones to pollinate it which you can see in their stone carvings, they also referred to it as the golden flower.

there is so much more, like Göbekli Tepe´s architecture the T-shape structures, but my point is knowledge just came to me naturally, and still is, and I am learning so much from these visions, I do believe our ancestors DNA is in our pattern, we are all connected, and if one is able to look inwards and not outwards, and become the elements within, we can connect with our deeper pattern like roots, I remember seeing a wheel turning anticlockwise!
I wasn't sure at the time what it meant, then realised it's where time doesn't exist.

Last edited by vibrations : 30-07-2023 at 03:55 PM.
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