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Old 17-07-2023, 07:25 PM
boyce boyce is offline
Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 289
Originally Posted by Dude111
If we don't/can't remember things from a previous life, HOW CAN WE LEARN FROM IT??

Learning enhances spiritual progress and the rate of progress is enhanced by the experiences we have during incarnate life.

After physical life is over we see a far bigger picture than ever we saw while incarnate. We consider whether we got from our last life what we'd hoped and planned. Those plans, made in the etheric, would have taken into account experiences from previous lives. Based on everything relevant we can decide if a further incarnation would be beneficial.

I general we aren't intended to remember previous lives (although some individuals do) but the learning we gain is recorded in our spirit selves. It's that learning which matters. We have enough to cope with in any current incarnation without adding to it by concerning ourselves with previous ones.
not a beginner
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