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Old 07-07-2023, 05:45 PM
MyndFull MyndFull is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 10
In all Truth, there is no separate us/them, or my mind, your mind. When our conscious awareness is focused on any astral realm, and we consider someone, or they think of us, we can experience them in our mind.

This is why in the physical it often happens your mate is about to call you, you think of him, as he thinks of you, then your phone rings and you say ‘hey you just popped in my mind before you rang!’

My understanding is we dont leave the astral, or the other energy body/being realms, we’re always connected.
What changes when we think we’re ‘in’ an astral realm, is the point of focus of our consciousness/awareness.

In everyday life the mind of someone else focusing on us can bring-up thoughts in ourselves. We think those thoughts ‘belong’ to us alone, not realising fully, they were influenced by another mind.

The fabric of conscious reality is very sensitive, moreso than we have been taught. Thoughts have energy, actions too. We’re all influencing one another in more ways than we realise.
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