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Old 18-06-2023, 12:36 AM
halinaray halinaray is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2023
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by ThatMan
So seeing @lomax doing some real exploration, I said to myself, it's time to explore more, and what best time to do it other than the "perfect" time when I am hit by extreme sadness, which happens from time to time for no apparent reason.

So I started meditating.

I tried to contact whatever being is out there, Egyptian gods, angels, guides, whatever is out there. I started to lose consciousness, complete blankness, then it's like time stopped, like everything froze, then I noticed a heaviness on my chest and because I could see I noticed there was a black cat sitting on my chest, with gold around her neck and over hear head, like an Egyptian cat and it felt like coming from this sphere. Its presence had a very profound effect on me, the sadness was erased and I was left with tons of energy, mental clarity and profound peace, like a reboot.

Long ago I took I found a black cat in the astral realms when it was little and with time it grew and it grew and from a little kitty it turned out to be a panther and things changed in the sense that I ended up being under its protection. And then it disappeared.

It kinda looked like this:

I may say you are very lucky to get an immediate protection, it's actually dangerous to call just any entities out there without prior connection to them or with unclear intention.

It's like inviting anyone randomly to your room and you don't know whoever arrives is really for your highest good or not.

When you invite these entities towards you, it can really be overwhelming, the probable reason why you suddenly lose consciousness and there's complete blankness.

With Bastet, you may start communicating with Bastet by meditating on her picture. Ask questions to the incident. Do this with caution thou. Feel free to disregard this if you are not ready.

Just a heed of an advice, always have a clear intention why you are doing spirit vision or scrying. And do protection rituals before doing so. You might encounter entities along the way that you are not ready to be seeing and get 'lost' instead. And test your visions if they are the legit thing or not.
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