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Old 17-06-2023, 09:17 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
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I can so relate. We're about the same age. I am also hypothyroid and I have scoliosis and spinal stenosis. Sciatica is something I deal with on a regular basis. Never as severe as what you've been dealing with though. I've been trying to heal my thyroid receptors after it getting messed up when the manufacturer of Erfa dessicated thyroid changed their manufacturing formula back in 2012 and it stopped working for me. I'd gotten fed up and started relying on raw thyroid glandulars that I could buy OTC online. That worked for a while until it didn't. I gained 50 lbs. I'm now taking a T3 only med along with a homeopathic Thyroidinum, iodine and supportive supplements to help my body convert the iodine to T4 and T3, like a low dose iron, methylated b-complex, extra b12 (helps to heal the nerves), C, magnesium, selenium. And I'm starting to see the weight come off. I'm wearing shorts I haven't been able to wear in about 9 or 10 years. If you haven't heard about Janie Bowthorpe's website: Stop The Thyroid Madness, you should check it out. It's a gold mine of information.

You also might want to check out the Pelvic Clock device for opening up your hip flexors which helps with sciatic pain. I've found it very helpful in keeping my sciatica pain down. I also have a back board that stretches my lumbar. It's called the lumbar extender. It's an adjustable board that arches your back while you lay on it. The company went out of business years ago but there are competitor boards out there that will do the same thing. If you google Lumbar Extender, you can see a picture of it.

I'm glad you have got some pain relief.
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