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Old 17-06-2023, 04:49 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Past Pluto in the vastness of space and time
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Well it took a few more Emergency Room visits to get some answers to what I have been dealing with in life. I got to the point where one morning I literally could not "walk" I have never been so scared in my life.

I was taken to the Emergency and take right in as a patient. I had 2 Dr's at my side trying to asses the situation. Heart was good, so no stroke, blood pressure was good so no issues there. I was like OK thank God for that one.

Foot was "purple" by this time so they were worried on circulation and a blood clot. Ruled that one out as nothing was found. Gave me a medication to get the circulation in it going again and in an hour it was lovely pink again.

So off to a CT Scan and tons of Blood Work. All the time the 2 Dr's were at my side in and out. So worried on the pain level I had. They noted all the visits and no scans or blood work done were not happy with that treatment I got. Told me I was NOT going home til they knew what was wrong this time.

I had the CT Scan and it showed I was fine no compressions at all. Then the blood work and WOW they found the cause !!!! I have been on Thyroid medication since I was 25 and have had no issues. Well it shut down totally like a light switch goes off so did my Thyroid. Its not dead it went into a hibernation mode where the meds did not work.

When the Thyroid does not work it can cause intense leg pain and weakness. It can cause nerves to fire and muscles to shrink. Well that is what I am facing. Never do I wish such pain again. I am on new medication a very high dose, and I am getting there.

I was able to walk down the all at the ER so the Dr said I could go home on one condition I had someone there to help me. I do have family ! So home I came and the next day I was able to go to work for a short 4 hour day. Movement is best. Slow and steady.

It should not take so many visits to get there but I get that a lot do use the ER for attention and pain meds.

I do have some amazing pain meds for nightime. I am finally feeling rested.

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